EarthRated | Biobased Bag Dispenser

Earth Rated® is on a mission to offer high-quality, innovative products designed to help make cleaning up after your pet less of a chore. We designed and prototyped a series of new dispensers for their biobased compostable bags. Earth Rated (9252-8595 Quebec inc.) is the owner of the rights in the design of the product and is the owner of the design patents.

Earth Rated®的使命是提供高质量的创新产品,旨在帮助您减少清理宠物的麻烦。我们为他们的生物基可堆肥袋设计了一系列新的分配器并制作了原型。Earth Rated(9252-8595 Quebec inc.)是该产品的设计权利人,也是设计专利的所有者。

We designed several other items for Earth Rated. We were responsible for the aesthetic design, mockups and functioning prototypes.

Earth Rated (9252-8595 Quebec inc.) is the owner of the rights in the design of the product and is the owner of the design patents.

我们为Earth Rated公司设计了其他几个项目。我们负责美学设计、模拟模型和功能原型。

Earth Rated(9252-8595 Quebec inc.)是该产品的设计权利人,也是设计专利的所有者。