The One Movement | A bottle with impact

We made the prototypes for the indiegogo campaign of The One Movement. With the sales of their thermos bottle The One Movement finances plastic waste collection AND houses for plastic pickers in India. For this they work with Plastic for Change. In 2021, they have built 2 houses. Their goal is to build 20 houses. 1,000 One Bottles sold equals one recycled home. ⁣You can follow their impact here.

我们为 The One Movement公司制作了用于 indiegogo众筹 的手板样机。通过与 Plastic for Change改变塑料通力合作,The One Movement 公司销售他们的保温瓶,并用销售所得资助建设了印度的塑料垃圾收集和塑料捡拾者的房屋。在2021年, 他们意见建立了2栋房屋. 他们的目标是建立20栋房屋。每销售1000个水瓶就等同于一栋回收材料房屋。你可以点击这里了解更多详情.