Cubelets | Modular Design

Cubelets are robot blocks that combined build thousands of thought-provoking robots. By combining sensor, actuator and logic blocks, kids as young as four, can create simple robots and get acquainted with the basics of electronics and programming. Orange Creatives took care of the product design, construction engineering, prototypes and productions.

Design challenges:

  • Connectors: the blocks need to be electrically connected, and transfer data on all 6 sides.
  • Make motorized blocks with an available space of less than 25 x 25 x 25 mm.
  • Minimize amount of injection moulds: given that there are 10 cubes that only differ from each other by 1 face.


Cubelets 是机器人小积木,它们可以组成成千上万种发人深省的机器人。通过结合传感器模块、驱动模块和逻辑模块,年仅四岁的孩子就能创造简单的机器人,并熟悉电子学和编程的基础知识 Modrobotics开发了这些看起来简单的模块化模块背后的逻辑,这些模块展示了令人惊讶的复杂行为。 我们负责产品设计、原型和生产。设计挑战:

  • 连接器:模块需要电连接,并在任何可能的方向传输数据。
  • 块中的空间:制造可用空间小于25x25x25 mm的电动块
  • 最大限度地减少注塑模具的数量:假设有10个立方体,它们之间只有一个面不同。
  • 公差:小立方体中装有需要精确安装到位的组件。
